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Consultancy Services


With over 60 years of work with imaging systems,  including in military intelligence, through Geodetic Science studies at the Ohio State University to 30 years  at Tel-Aviv University, where Abraham Tal established and managed the Space and Remote Sensing Division (1982-2013) . With such a wealth of research and applications projects, he is a well established professional in  remote sensing .

Having  profound understanding of the different segements of the subject - from the space systems through the ground receiving stations to the user and applications segement, he is an asset when your business needs to understand the remote sensing business, and it's different aspects.


A good and recent example relates to a large Israeli company which  was competing  with large international  companies for a very large project in a developing country. This company acquired his consultancy services for conducting an in-depth survey of all available remote sensing  systems,  performing comparative analyses of capabilities vs project requirements, cost and other variables, and as a result, recommending the optimal mix of imagery to be used in the project.


Abraham Tal was also a consultant to Israeli partners in the European Union 7th framework and now, Horizon 2020  projects.

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