אברהם טל - צילומי לווין Abraham Tal - Satellite Imagery
The company was established in 2008 by Abraham Tal following his retirement from ICTAF ( Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting) at Tel-Aviv University.
Abraham Tal was a senior researcher at ICTAF, since 1980, following over 20 years of service in the IDF Military Intelligence ( rtd. Lt.Col.).
At ICTAF, Abraham Tal established and was head of the Space, Environment & Remote Sensing Division, which was responsible for a great many space and environment related research projects.
In 1985, anticipating the launch of the first commercial high resolution remote sensing satellite - SPOT 1, he initiated the Israeli focal point for satellite imagery supply, first with SPOT Image, later with EOSAT (USA - Landsat) and throughout the following years, adding to the portfolio contracts with all the remote sensing satellites' owners/operators/regional main distributors, thus creating a 'one stop shop' for all remote sensing products.
A.TAL Satellite Imagery 'inherited' this business from ICTAF and is the main satellite imagery distributor for Israel.
The company also provides mapping services and products as well as consultation services in space and remote sensing topics. In this capacity, he participates, in EURTD 7th framework and Horizon 2020 projects.
Abraham Tal specialized in thermal mapping and was involved in many projects which studied thermal phenomena such as the Urban Heat Island (UHI) , sinkholes along the Dead Sea shores and thermal variations in the Dead Sea Works evaporation pans.
Some relevant publications:
1. Correlation Between Satellite Derived Surface Temperatures and
Urban land-Use - The representative case of Tel Aviv-Yaffo." . Tal A. ICTAF Report to the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure , August 1999.(Hebrew).
2. “Sustainable Use of Water in Metropolitan Areas – Case study of the City of Tel Aviv-Yaffo” Tal A. , Elhannani S., A METRON Project Report to EU, November 2000
3. “Technological Solutions in Support of Sustainable use of Water in Metropolitan Areas” Kahana Y., Tal A. , A METRON Project Report to EU, November 2000
4. “Assessing the Solar Energy Balance in the City of Tel Aviv-Yaffo”
Sharan Y., Tal A & Shay-El Y. Report to the Belfer foundation and the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure , May 2001.(Hebrew).
5. “ Surface Temperatures and Urban land-Use frm Satellite Imagery – The Case of Tel Aviv-Jaffa” REMOTE SENSING OF URBAN AREAS, 2nd International Symposium , Regensburg/Germany, June 22-23, 2001
6. “ A Survey of Microsatellites” A. Tal ICTAF Report , July 2001( Hebrew, Proprietry)
7 “ Development of a Spatially Referenced Database for Management of an Israeli-Palestinian Transboundary Watershed” Rishmawi K.N., Albert J., Tal A. Report to the U.S Embassy Office of the Science Councelor, August 2001.
8. “ Influence of Ionospheric Disturbances on Radiowave Propogation” Melnikov A., Tal A. ICTAF Report, August 2001
9. “ Sustainable Water Management for the City – Technologies for Improving Domestic Water Supply” G. Suzenet, A. Tal and D. Boymanns , "Built Environment" , Vol 28 No. 2 May 2002
10 " Correlation Between Satellite Derived Surface Temperatures and
Urban land-Use - The representative case of Tel Aviv-Yaffo." A. Tal, ICTAF Report to the Ministry of Housing and Construction , January 2002
11. “ Hyperspectral Imaging Systems – a literature based survey” A. Tal, ICTAF Report ( Hebrew, Proprietry) , December 2002
12. “Urban Heat Island Effects as Measured by Satellite and the Need for UHI
Consideration in Urban Planning” A. Tal, European Commission Energy
Management, Sustainable Energy Information Magazine No. 3 2002.
13. “A Survey of Operational and Future Remote Sensing Satellites” A. Tal, ICTAF Report
No. H/275, July 2003 (Hebrew).
14. “Influence of Ionospheric Disturbances on Radiowave Propogation” Melnikov. A., Tal A. ICTAF Report No. E/130, May 2003
15. “Influence of Ionospheric Disturbances on Radiowave Propogation” Melnikov. A., Tal A. ICTAF Report No. E/145, January 2004.
16. “The Use of Space-Based Technologies by the United States in 21st Century wars” Tal A., ICTAF Report H/294, March 2004 (Hebrew), Proprietry.
17. “Influence of Ionospheric Disturbances on Radiowave Propogation” Melnikov. A., Tal A. Final Report 2003-2004 , ICTAF Report No. E/150, June 2004.
18. “ Sinkholes Along the West Coast of the Dead Sea on IR Satellite Imagery” Tal A.
Final Report to the Israel Gelogical Survey, ICTAF Report No. 293, July 2004.
19. “Vulnerability of Satellites – Risks and Intentional Threats” Tal. A., ICTAF Report
H/309 (Hebrew, Proprietry), July 2005
20. "Exploiting Earth Observation in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management - the GEOURBAN Project" Esch, T., Taubenböck, H., Chrysoulakis, N., Düzgün, H. S., Tal, A., Feigenwinter, C. and Parlow, E., 2013. Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event JURSE 2013, to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-23 April.
21. “A Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Management
Based on Earth Observation" Nektarios Chrysoulakis,*, Christian Feigenwinter, Dimitrios Triantakonstantis, Igor Penyevskiy, Abraham Tal, Eberhard Parlow, Guy Fleishman, Sebnem Düzgün, Thomas Esch and Mattia Marconcini; ISPRS
International Journal of Geo-Information, ISSN 2220-9964
1. Israel Remote Sensing Bulletin, 1984 - 1987
2. Space Research and Technology Information Bulletin - Remote
Sensing Section, 1986 - 1990.
3. Israel Space Research & Technology Information Bulletin, 1990 - 1994 (editor-in chief).
4. A. Tal; M. Wolff - French-Israeli Conference on Remote Sensing Conference. Proceedings, National Council for Research & Development Publication, Sep. 1991.
5. A. Tal, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Dec. 1992 issue.
6. N. Ittah, A. Tal “ Remote Sensing in Israel- 1994” Proceedings of Yahel
Conference, Herzlia, Israel, June 27-28,1994.
7. A. Tal “ The Water Market Crisis - Research and Opinions” Proceedings of Symposia organized by ICTAF (Hebrew) , September 2001
8. Sharan Y, Tal A, Cocossis H " Water Supply in Emergency Situations" NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Springer, July 2007